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Q:  Where did you get the title of this new zombie play?

A: I wrote Zombies Can't Run after watching the movie Warm Bodies with my daughter one night.  For several days after finishing the script, I struggled with what to name the play.  The first title was 'Team Zombie' but that just seemed a little too simple. Then I ran across a quote from George Romero, the famed writer and director of the movie Night of the L:iving Dead.  George was being interviewed in 2008 after seeing the movie 28 Days and this was his quote:

“Zombies can’t run. Their ankles would break. It doesn’t make sense to me,” Romero told NWA. “The dead move slowly. But they keep coming.”

I had my title!

Zombies Can't Run 

Something terrible is happening at Theodore Roosevelt High, better known as The Teddy, and it’s a horror story of epic proportions. For the first in nearly forty years, the Rough Riders football team is having a losing season. Sure, there’s some other bad stuff happening at The Teddy, like the fact that nearly half the school has been turned into zombies, but that is just a minor inconvenience compared to looming disaster on the football field.  Students at The Teddy have grown accustomed to sharing the hallways and cafeteria with the walking dead.  They don’t have any other choice as a local judge has declared that even ‘non-conscious’ students are still students and The Teddy can’t discriminate.  So, when the best players on the football team are infected, there’s nobody left that can take the team to victory.  The coach is fired and then the Athletic Director. Principal Davies is going to lose his job. The school is in a full panic until one of the students convinces the principal to allow zombies to rejoin the team.  The Teddy’s crotchety old home economics teacher, Mrs. Wheeler, agrees to become the new coach but can she turn around the losing season with a team full of dead players who would rather bite their opponents than cross the goal line?


Zombies Can’t Run is a large cast comedy that puts a hilarious spin on the classic zombie story.  Told from a unique first person perspective and performed completely without sets and just a few props, it’s a fast paced comedy that proves that even the dead can have the heart of a winner.


Cast:  27 Actors

          12 Female

          10 Male

            5 Non-Specific

          12-24 Extras


Genre:  Comedy

Length:  70 Minutes

Sets:  No Set Necessary


Read The Full Script Here